John Taylor

John Taylor

We salute the memory of the late John Taylor who departed this life in May of 2016. Having served the Church for many years in parishes and in the theological college of Oak Hill (where he was Vice-Principal for eight years), he was then appointed to be Bishop of St Albans, from 1980 to 1995.

Since stepping down from his diocese he devoted himself to the Bible Society, and to the work of Tyndale House and the Biblical Research Library. He wrote the Tyndale Commentary on Ezekiel. He married Linda – a former probation officer and social worker. As you view this ‘memorial message’ today, remember Linda and the three children, all of whom are in Christian ministry.

Latest Sermon by John Taylor

The Voice from the Desert

keywords: Ministry, Unjust Society, Speaking Out

There is much to learn from the shepherd Amos, a 'non-professional' prophet from the south, fired up with a message he could not hold back from delivering to corrupt Israel in the north. Where are the 'amateur' prophets today?
All 4 Sermons by John Taylor

The Voice from the Desert

keywords: Ministry, Unjust Society, Speaking Out

Through Deep Waters

keywords: Babylon, the Exile, Fear, Love

The Succession

keywords: Elijah, Elisha, Ministry, The Spirit of God, Taking Over

To Be A Pilgrim

keywords: Covenant, Pilgrimage, The Promised Land, the Call

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